Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Work In (snail-like) Progress

I haven't posted in a few days, but that doesn't mean I haven't been writing. I'm slowly putting words to a short story, which is taking shape surprising well. I have faith that I'll hate the finished product, because I always do, but no matter what, I'll post it.

Another problem I've come across with writing is that I can't seem to get myself to dig in unless it's right before bed. The end result is that I'm racing against sleep whenever I write, and I can't get much down before my eyes are drooping beyond being usable. Even right now, it's taking considerable effort to not drop everything and climb into bed before finishing this.

Actually, come to think of it, that's all I had for today. I guess this is goodnight!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ideas are the least of my worries.

As previously mentioned, I have trouble writing. I've sat down in front of a computer, a piece of paper, a tape recorder, and even a typewriter, all with the approximate result of nothing.

It's not like I start with nothing. I've got great ideas for stories. I even outlined one of them down to exactly what happens in each chapter, with character names, profiles, backgrounds, everything. But when it came down to the prose, all that came out was sighs.

I don't need any help coming up with ideas. Everyone's got an idea for a story. Probably more than one, to be sure. I could rattle off about a dozen, but I won't, on the off chance I work out how to put words to them. My problem areas are mostly based around descriptions. Describing the environment, the characters, and the action always gave me problems. I can never put to words what exactly I see in my head. Dialogue tends to be easier, though still a bit rough.

So what's the answer? Do I keep banging my head on the keyboard? Do I move on, stories untold? Currently, I am exploring other medium, and at the moment, I'm looking into writing a comic book. The main problem with that is my inability to draw. Don't have a lick of talent. I'm sure I can find an artist willing to take on my stories, but there's always that problem of someone else drawing what's in your head.

Purple monkey dishwater indeed.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The definition of insanity.

Look at me, I'm blogging! Yes, I've entered into that arena about which no one has ever rightfully said, "No one would want to read about that!" Sounds like the perfect place for me.

I've always wanted to be a writer. Short stories, novels, movie scripts, epic poems, they've all appealed to me on some level, but I was never able to hunker down and really go at it. I always suffered from a kind of writer's block, where I can't slow my thoughts down to pace I can type at. I've tried everything I can think of to no avail. Even alcohol doesn't slow my thoughts down, it just makes them a little blurry and hard to read.

So why am I trying again? Because I'm not very smart.

I've participated in National Novel Writing Month 6 years in a row, never getting past the second paragraph. I've taken no less than three Creative Writing classes at two different schools. I've read essays on writing from several authors, including my hero, Isaac Asimov. There's one thing that they've all said, in one form or another: to be a writer, you have to write. A lot. I'm paraphrasing, granted, but there it is.

So I'll give it another shot. Maybe this blogging thing is more my style. Maybe I'll stick with it this time. Maybe I'll even give that screenplay about birds another go around. Whatever happens, my goal is to have it be said that I tried. I am, however shooting for that succeeding thing.