Sunday, May 3, 2009

Scenes from an inner dialogue.

Me: Hey, Brain, we need to talk.

Brain: Yeah, what about?

M: You need to cut this shit out, man.

B: Cut what out?

M: You know what I mean. Stop doubting me. It's not doing me any favors.

B: I'll stop doubting you if you stop fucking things up.

M: You're saying doubt is a good thing?

B: Yeah, it keeps you out of situations that may turn out bad. When you only do something you know will work out, then everything will always work out.

M: That's no way to go through life! How often does a situation come along that you know you can come out ahead? Now I know why I never do anything, it's your fault, you jackass!

B: Don't turn this on me, I've helped you avoid heartbreak, embarrassment, serious bodily injury, and a whole mess of bad! You should be thanking me!

M: OK, so maybe I missed out on some bad stuff, but what about all the good stuff I could have had to go along with it? So many times I could have made connections with people, learned new things, even made something of my life, all wasted for fear of a little failure.

B: Are you saying you actually want to fail?

M: YES! I want to fail, because that means I'm at least trying to make myself better. If you shoot for the stars and hit the ceiling, at least you're not still stuck on the ground.

B: Nice movie quote. Try coming up with something original for once.

M: I would would if you let me! Let something through for once, and maybe I'll be able to. I'm so out of practice, my speech muscles have atrophied.

B: Why can't you be content with who you are? It's worked in the past, why change it?

M: But it hasn't worked. It's been scraping me by for years, and I'm tired of it. I want to be bold, take chances, be someone of consequence. Instead, you've made me into wallpaper. Something someone can say, "Oh, how nice..." about and move on to something more important.

B: So you think you're important now? It's getting pretty roomy here in your GIANT HEAD!

M: Oh, great, bring my ego into this.

Ego: What's going on over here? Did I hear my name?

M: Yeah, you did. Feel free to join the conversation. What's so bad about being proud of what you've accomplished?

E: Nothing, really. That's what I've been trying to tell you guys for years. Look at me, I'm so out of shape. I haven't had any exercise in so long, I'm having trouble moving around.

B: You brought that on yourself. You wouldn't shut up, and it got us into trouble, remember?

E: I was young! None of us had been around for even a decade, and you expect things to be perfect? You're delusional.

B: The "young and stupid" defense? I don't buy it.

M: What it comes down to is you need to let someone else take over once in a while. You can't go on running things by yourself forever, you'll get burned out. And if you go, where does that leave me?

B: You're all nuts, you know that? Without me at the helm, you wouldn't last a week.

M: It's not up to you. I'm telling you to get in line.

B: You know I'll fight you on this every chance. I will not go quietly.

M: That's fine. Do what you have to do. I'll do what I have to do.

B: You'll regret this!

M: Maybe. But at least there's a chance I might succeed.